
Sex should never be painful. If it is, intimate training self-care can help.

For young women, involuntary pelvic floor spasms and painful penetration, bacterial vaginosis, infections and vaginal dryness are the most common causes of vaginal discomfort and pain.

Incorporating intimate training into your self-care routine can support intimate wellness and pain free intimacy.

"I noticed a big improvement, quite quickly".
Vaginismus, 25

Pain at entry

2 in 5 young women will experience vaginal discomfort and painful penetration. You are not alone.

Some common conditions that can be at the root of the problem for young women are:

Painful penetration (Vaginismus): Sex can be many things - fun, spontaneous, exciting, and relaxing, but for some women, sex is a source of fear, anxiety and pain. Involuntary spasms and tightening, called Vaginismus, is a psycho-physical condition that causes the muscles of the pelvic floor to contract in anticipation of pain. Often accompanied by burning / stinging pain in response to attempted penetration. Vaginismus can make it painful to insert a tampon/menstrual cup, causes discomfort with gynae exams and intercourse.

Vaginal Imbalance (Dysbiosis) and Infections: Vaginal imbalance can lead to bacterial vaginosis (BV) yeast and bacterial infections (vaginitis). Symptoms include vaginal irritation, itchiness, burning, odorous discharge, and painful sex.

Vaginal infections occur when the protective natural acidity and balance of healthy vaginal microbiome is disrupted with hormonal fluctuations, long term use of contraceptives and medications, or with unprotected sex.

Vaginal Pain (Volvodynia): Vulvodynia (and Vulvar Vestibulitis) is persistent, unexplained chronic pain in the vulva. The vulva is the female genital area including the skin surrounding the opening of the vagina. Symptoms include burning, stinging, soreness, itching, rawness at the vaginal opening (Vestibulitis) and pain during sex.

Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a chronic condition in which the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus migrates to the lower abdomen, pelvis or vagina. This causes inflammation during menstrual cycles with shifts in estrogen, which lead to vaginal pain. Hormonal therapies for endometriosis that control estrogen to prevent tissue flare-ups, can cause vaginal dryness, irritation and painful sex.

All in one Intimate training, self-care

Intimate training with Aquafit Intimate Gel Stick® lets you regain control over involuntary vaginal muscle spasms and contractions to overcome the fear-of-painful penetration cycle. 

Aquafit Intimate training combines pelvic floor muscle training with deep hydration and pH balance for vaginal relief and intimate wellness:

Deep Hydration: hydrate sensitive vaginal tissue to relieve dryness and discomfort. Especially with long term use of hormonal contraceptives.

Rebalance Vaginal Acidity: Maintain a healthy pH range (3.8-4.5) to protect against irritation (itching, burning, odorous discharge), prevent bacterial vaginosis, infections and support healthy flora. Especially after antibiotics.

Pelvic Floor Strength and Muscle Tonus: Heighten pelvic floor muscle tonus to regain control of spasms, tightness and experience pain free penetration.

Release the fear

Experiencing vaginismus, dyspareunia and vaginal pain can be challenging, but it's essential to know that these conditions are very treatable. Especially when you are yound and at the beginning of your sex life.

Intimate training can empower you to overcome the fear of vaginal penetration. Take just 5-7 minutes daily or as needed, for you. Intimate training can be easily integrated into your self care routine—whether it's in the comfort of your bed or in the shower. It's important to remember that each woman's journey is unique.

Be patient with yourself. Go at your own pace. On average, pain free intimacy with Aquafit Intimate Gel Sticks can take 6-9 weeks.

100% Pure Intimacy

Our family of Intimate Gel Sticks® are formulated from water and plant extracts to support intimate wellness and a healthy vaginal environment. 100% natural and safe. No hormones, or irritants.

Prioritise your intimate well-being with Aquafit Intimate Gel Sticks:

  • Aquafit PRÉ Gentle Hydration, with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin B3 for relief of vaginal dryness, regain control of muscle spasms for pain free sex.
  • Aquafit BIO, Intimate pH Balance, with Lactic Acid and Aloe Vera for relief of vaginal irritation (burning, itching, odorous discharge), prevent BV, infections and support of healthy flora.

We recommend daily intimate training for the first month to build a strong foundation for your intimate health.

Enjoy a 15% discount on a kit of 2 Intimate Gel Sticks for a month of training.

After that, you can tailor your intimate routine to meet your needs. While every wellness journey is unique, 90% of women with vaginismus achieve pain-free intimacy within 6 to 9 weeks of training with Aquafit.

Always consult a health care professional if you are experiencing new or worsening vaginal pain. * NOT for use during pregnancy 

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